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+7 (8442) 98-07-07
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Tube-end dressing machine UZT-1

Tube-end dressing machine UZT-1



Tube O.D, mm: from 20 to 38

Scraping the outer surface of the tube ends is performed by a rotating planetary ipofisari. At the same time can withdraw the inner chamfer.

The rotation of the tools is carried out from the actuator. Pressing ignores adjustable springs. Apart ignores and work the grip is made from cylinders.

UZT-1 is equipped with dust ventilation installation UVP-1200A, which enables the removal of metal dust from the work area during operation.


The drive power of 1.5 kW

The greatest stripping length of 200 mm

Time Stripping one end of the tube not more than 15 seconds

Overall dimensions, mm 1500х580х1500

Weight 370 kg

Produced since 1999. Constantly modernizarea and usovershenstvuetsya. Extremely reliable. All issued units operate today.

In 2013, the year of tube-end dressing machineUZT-1 obtained the Declaration of conformity of the Customs Union.

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Яндекс.Метрика TECHREMEX-LRT Ltd
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