50 ЛеТ
Volzhsky Ave., 4K, 400016,
Volgograd, Russia
+7 (8442) 98-07-07
+7 (8442) 98-07-07
[email protected]

TECHREMEX official site

Laboratory of tube expanding

PJSC VNIIPTchemnefteapparatury - the parent organization for manufacturing and repair technology of shell and tube heat exchangers in industries of chemical and petroleum engineering in Russia.
TECHREMEX is the leader in Russia and CIS-countries in electrical tube expanding machines in tube sheets of heat exchangers and machins for facing of tubes. 

TECHREMEX customers



Modern TUBE EXPANDING machines TECHREMEX are the result of over 50 years of experience in the field of manufacturing tube expanding machins in shell and tube heat exchangers. Design and creation of tube EXPANDING machines, TECHREMEX began with the simplest expanding machines. Read more. Our EXPANDING machines have proved their efficiency and reliability at the leading enterprises of chemical and petroleum engineering, petro chemistry, energy sector, as well as other enterprises producing or operating a shell and tube heat exchangers and air-cooling machine. So, for example, delivered more than 280 electrical tube expanding machine of series “MER” and more than 30 electrical  tube facing and drilling machine of series “MET”.

Яндекс.Метрика TECHREMEX-LRT Ltd
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