The scientific research laboratory of tube expanding established in the all-USSR scientific research and project Institute of technology of chemical and oil apparatus manufacturing (VNIIPTchimnefteapparatury) in 1966. TECHREMEX Ltd. established on base of the lab in 1992. Since it time organized serial production including expanding tools…
Tube expanders type A, B, KV, G
Tube expanding units MER and tube facing and drilling units MET are certified for compliance with the EAC.
Tube expanders
Tube expanding units and machines
Tube facing tool
Tube facing and drilling unit MET-2
Tube-end dressing machine UZT-1
Tube removal tool
Hydraulic tube pullers M-SPX
Tube expanding tool TECHREMEX produced by OST 26-17-02-83**( republication from 2008) - STO 00220368-015-2009***For heat exchangers, refrigerators...
Tube expanding machines and machines TECHREMEX manufactured in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 55601-2013, STO 00220368-014-2009, STO 26-17-01-83 reissue in...
Tube facing and drilling machine MET-2. Video. DOWNLOADAvailable for steel tubes from 10 mm to 38 mm O.D., a wall thickness of 1-3,5 mm.Tube end facing /...
Tube-end dressing machine UZT-1 Tube O.D, mm: from 20 to 38Scraping the outer surface of the tube ends is performed by a rotating planetary ipofisari. At the...
Hydraulic tube pullers M-SPXConsists of mobile stand, to the form factor which is a high-pressure...